Beauty Undefined

What is the true and universal definition of one’s beauty? Growing up in Taiwan gave me a very specific definition of beauty for women- poreless, pale skin, big round eyes, long hair, skinny long legs but you can’t be too tall, a small heart-shaped face, and preferably under 48kg. If you don’t match the criteria above, then you’re not beautiful (enough.) So I deeply believed that I’m not beautiful since I was a little girl. And it’s probably gonna be hard for me to find someone who loves me. And it’s more likely for me to become a loser for my whole life. I had held this belief so deeply for 27 years.

This project is to convey a message that one’s beauty should be undefined. Everyone is beautiful in their own special and unique way. Everyone should love the way they are. People should not use their own definition of beauty to overlook other’s beauty.


Hard to Love

